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한국보건산업진흥원 홍보영상(영문)

한국보건산업진흥원 홍보영상(영문) : 작성자, 키워드, 작성일, 조회수, 링크 URL 정보 제공
작성자 관리자 키워드 한국보건산업진흥원,홍보영상
작성일 2023-02-16 조회수 976
링크 URL http://www.youtube.com/embed/DPp8cJtAUF0

한국보건산업진흥원 홍보영상(영문)


the health industry ensures people live safe and happy lives who has made sure that Korea's Health industry is well grounded the Korean Health industry has a partner who has long helped it develop this partner is the only Institute in Korea that focuses exclusively on fostering the country's Health industry introducing Keating the Korean Health industry development Institute how can we make a healthy future for the people Kitty is constantly thinking about how to develop national policies that can ensure the continuous growth of the Korean Health industry within the rapidly changing industrial environment Kitty designs the mid to long-term future of Korea's Health industry to ensure that it develops in a healthy and balanced way [Music] Health technology is essential for people to lead healthy and happy lives keedy is managing a governmental r d project to help improve health and save lives in Korea to prepare for unexpected fatal diseases to make our lives safer and more comfortable through new technology to ensure that everyone even the socially disadvantaged gets the equal opportunity to live healthy lives to combine everyone's strengths so we can develop the industry in an Innovative manner Kitty provides ceaseless support to Advance Health technology and products [Music] supports biopharmaceutical medical device and cosmetics companies to ensure that Korea's Health industry can grow as a future strategic industry to enable Innovative technology and product to impact Society hidy provides a wide range of Professional Services for the sustainable development of the health industry keedy Endeavors to cultivate future experts based on a firm foundation Korea's Health industry is now pushing the boundaries into the world secures opportunities for Korean businesses to enter the global market and provides business consultation to support them to take leading positions in the world moreover Kitty shares the outstanding medical technology and Care Service of Korea with International medical professionals and patients as part of efforts to further strengthen the Brand Power of Korea's excellent health and medical products and services these ceaseless efforts have led Korea's Health industry to rapidly develop into one of the strongest in the world the amount of exports in the bio health sector has reached the biggest ever on the record and it has stayed in the top seven export items for three consecutive years moreover three million people have visited Korea from abroad for medical care a feat that has further increased the international status of Korea's Health industry Korea's Health industry aims to thrive to increase National wealth for the Next Generation [Music] Edie will always strive to be the running mate of Korea's Health industry