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해외제약전문가 초빙 공고

해외제약전문가 초빙 공고 : 작성자, 작성일, 조회수, 첨부파일 정보 제공
작성자 관리자
작성일 2018-02-05 조회수 9,616

Public Announcement on Recruiting of

Global Pharmaceutical Experts


Korea Health Industry Development Institute(“KHIDI”) is looking for “Overseas World-class Pharmaceutical Experts” as full-time consultants who can assist Korean pharmaceutical companies in developing and commercializing new drugs.


Job summary

Global Pharmaceutical Experts offer consultancy and training opportunities for Korean pharmaceutical companies for a contracted period as KHIDI executive consultants.



Clinical trials, GMP, Regulatory Affairs(RA), Technical Marketing, Project Management(PM)

*Fields marked in bold are preferred.



An applicant should have minimum 10 years work experience in the applying fields

*Applicants with work experience at multinational pharmaceutical companies or regulatory agencies are preferred.


Duration of employment

From the contracted date to December 31st, 2018 (minimum 3 months commitment required. At the end of the year, the contract can be extended). The beginning and end date of employment is negotiable.



Monthly compensation ranges from KRW 10.5million to KRW 20.5million (USD 9,500 ~ USD 18,500). The compensation includes pension, health insurance, employment insurance and industrial accident insurance; it does not include personal expenses such as flight and housing



KHIDI Department of Pharmaceutical and Bio-Pharmaceutical Industry Office


Selection Process

Application deadline (Feb. 28th) → Qualifications review (by Mar. 6th)

Video interview (on Mar. 13th) → Result announcement (by The End of Mar.)

Schedule is subject to change. Applicants shall be notified individually of the result


How to Apply

An applicant should submit the completed application package via e-mail to Kwak, Su-Jin (kwak13@khidi.or.kr)


*Application package

1 Cover letter (1-2 pages), 2 Consultant Application Form A-D, 3 CV, 4Certification of degree, 5 Proof documents of employment, 6 Proof document of payment(Pay slips) for recent 3 months, 7 Other supporting documents

* Application deadline: 11:59 PM (Korea local time), Feb. 28th, 2018



Pharma & Bio-Pharma Global Team, KHIDI

Kwak, Su-Jin, +82-43-710-0040, kwak13@khidi.or.kr