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Frequently Asked Questions to the Hospitals by International Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic(영문)

Frequently Asked Questions to the Hospitals by International Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic(영문) : 작성일, 조회수 정보 제공
작성일 2020-09-29 조회수 4,728

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Frequently Asked Questions to the Hospitals by International Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic Part 1 :  SPECIAL ENTRY PROCEDURES, QUARANTINE & TEMPORARY RESIDENTIAL FACILITY
  • Frequently Asked Questions to the Hospitals by International Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic(영문) thumbnail1
  • Frequently Asked Questions to the Hospitals by International Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic(영문) thumbnail2
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Frequently Asked Questions to the Hospitals by International Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic Part 1



  • Q1. I'm going to Korea to get medical treatment and I have no friends or family in the country. Can I still enter Korea?
    • - All arrivals subject to the Special Entry Procedure are allowed to enter Korea after their contact information and address of residence in Korea are verified. So please make sure to fill out the Travel Record Declaration form correctly. At the arrival hall, the officer will call the phone number you provided for verification and your entry may be rejected if the phone number is invalid.
    • - If you don't have any family member or relative in Korea, you can replace it with the phone number of staffs (manager, coordinator, etc.) for the hospital where your medical appointment is confirmed. Please ensure in advance that you have a valid phone number of the hospital staffs.
  • Q2. What happens if I don't have a mobile phone?
    • - If you don't have a mobile phone, you will be denied entry to Korea.
    • - You should install the self-quarantine safety protection app released by the Ministry of the Interior and Safety on your mobile phone before going through the immigration, and you should use the self-check mobile app released by the Ministry of Health and Welfare to record your daily health condition related to COVID-19 during the two-week quarantine period. Make sure to bring your mobile phone with you.
  • Q3. I have a mobile phone but I didn't buy a roaming plan. Can I still enter Korea?
    • - You should buy a roaming plan or insert a SIM card into your phone before entering Korea. When entering Korea, the airport officer will call the phone number you provided in your Travel Record Declaration form to check whether the phone number is valid.
    • - If you didn't buy a roaming plan or prepare a SIM card in advance, you can buy a SIM card at arrivals hall.


  • Q4. Can I be admitted to the hospital right after entering Korea?
    • - Arrivals who enter Korea for a short stay of less than 90 days must be quarantined at temporary residential facilities designated by the Korean government. The quarantine period is 14 days, including the arrival date.

      * (e.g.) If you arrive in Korea on October 1, you will be released from quarantine at 00:00 am on October 15 - However, patients with severe diseases who meet the requirements below and tested negative in the

    • - However, patients with severe diseases who meet the requirements below and tested negative in the COVID-19 diagnostic test upon arrival in Korea can be admitted and quarantined to the hospital where the medical appointment is confirmed.
      • Patients requiring cancer surgery, chemotherapy, cardio-cerebrovascular treatment, transplantation or trauma treatment, and those who are deemed as suffering from equally severe conditions and are declared by a medical professional as requiring continuous or immediate treatment
      • Patients who have received the 'Hospital Quarantine Certificate' from the hospitals where their appoint ments were confirmed
      • Patients who have negative PCR test results for the COVID-19

        - The results should be issued by the hospitals designated by the local Korean Embassy within 72 hours (48 hours for high-risk nations) before their flight departures. (High-risk nations are Pakistan, Bangladesh, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Philippines)

    The Hospital Quarantine guidelines for international patients were newly established on July 20. Make prior inquiry at your hospital as some hospitals may not have these guidelines implemented.

  • Q5. Can I get treatment at the hospital immediately after entering Korea if I have a self-quarantine exemption document?
    • - Even if you have a self-quarantine exemption document issued by the local Korean Embassy or an international patient certificate issued by the Korean hospital, you will be quarantined at a temporary residential/testing facility for at least 1 night to undergo the COVID-19 diagnostic test. You must be confirmed negative in this test to be quarantined at the hospital.
  • Q6. Once I tested negative in COVID-19 test conducted after entering Korea, am I exempt from quarantine?
    • - From April 1, 2020, the Korean government has decided to implement mandatory quarantine at home or a temporary residential facility to all arrivals entering Korea, regardless of their nationality and duration of stay in Korea.
    • - At present (September 2020), all arrivals entering Korea are receiving COVID-19 diagnostic tests within three days of their entry to Korea. Even if you are tested negative in the test, you should finish the mandatory self-quarantine period of 14 days.
  • Q7. Can I self-quarantine in a hotel where I booked a room, instead of a temporary residential facility?
    • - You are not allowed by law to self-quarantine in a place other than a temporary residential facility designated by the Korean government. People who violate quarantine regulations may be deported and prohibited from re-entering Korea pursuant to the Immigration Act.
    • - At present (September 2020), temporary residential facilities is being provided for foreigners at respectable hotels located in the metropolitan area (Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon).
  • Q8. Can I be informed in advance which temporary residential facility I will be staying at?
    • - No, the assignment of a temporary residential facility is made on-site upon arrival.
  • Q9. Do I have to pay for COVID-19 diagnostic test?
    • - At present (September 2020), the cost of diagnostic tests for all persons entering Korea (both Korean and non-Korean citizens) is fully covered by the Korean government.
  • Q10. Is the temporary residential facility cost covered by the Korean government?
    • - No, you must be quarantined at a temporary residential facility at your own expense (KRW120,000 a day, and KRW 1.68 million in total) (Free of charge for children under 4; 50% for children under 12) * The cost includes accommodation, meals, and infectious disease prevention and control.
  • Q11. Is it allowed for young children or patients with mobility difficulties to stay together with their guardians?
    • - Children aged 12 years or under or disabled persons requiring guardians or persons who entered Korea with their spouse, other family members or friends may choose to be assigned to the same room.
    • - Rooms are randomly assigned on-site. However, larger rooms are assigned to persons accompanied by family members or children.
  • Q12. If I share a room with another person, do I get a discount?

    - No. The temporary residential facility fee is charged per person, not per room. Therefore, even if you share a room with another person, you should pay KRW 120,000 per night. * Free of charge for children under 4; 50% for children under 12

  • Q13. Can I go for a walk or go outside for a while during the quarantine?
    • - It is not allowed to leave your room during the quarantine period.
    • Those who leave the quarantine room/place without permission shall be deported pursuant to Article 46 of the Immigration Act and be prohibited from re-entering to Korea pursuant to Article 11 of the same Act.
  • Q14. Are there any items that cannot be brought into the temporary residential facility?

    - Inflammables, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, psychotropic drugs, and delivery food are not allowed to bring inside.

  • Q15. I am not familiar with Korean food and do not eat certain food for religious reasons. Do you have western food or halal food?
    • - A check-in survey will be conducted to collect information on your illnesses, allergies, and dietary preferences (vegetarian, halal, etc.). If you want religion-specific food, please mark accordingly on the survey form.
    • - esides regular meals, various simple meals such as bread, salad, cup noodles, fruits, and snacks are provided, but they vary depending on the facility.
  • Q16. I have a health problem. Is there a doctor in the temporary residential facility who can continuously check my condition?
    • - Doctors, nurses, and medical laboratory technologists reside in each temporary residential facility to check the health conditions of residents related to the COVID-19.
    • - If you have a health condition other than COVID-19, a consultation can be arranged with a doctor at the hospital where your appointment is confirmed.
  • Q17. I'm going to Korea for cancer treatment. What if my condition gets worse during the quarantine period?
    • - Patients whose health conditions have gotten worse during the quarantine period to the extent where they can no longer be quarantined at the temporary residential facilities can be transferred to and quarantined at the hospitals where their appointments are confirmed.
    • - Patients requiring cancer surgery, chemotherapy, cardio-cerebrovascular treatment, transplantation or trauma treatment, and those who are deemed as suffering from equally severe conditions by a medical professional are eligible for hospital quarantine at the hospital where their appointments are confirmed. Please consult the hospital if you want to be hospital quarantined

    * Even if your hospital quarantine is decided, you should be quarantined at a temporary residential facility until you are tested negative for the COVID-19 test conducted after arrival in Korea.

  • Q18. Can I bring my medication that I'm taking to the temporary residential facility?

    - Yes, but please make sure to prepare a sufficient amount of medication to ensure that you do not run out of medication during the 14-day quarantine.

  • Q19. What if I run out of my medication in the middle of quarantine period?
    • - The on-site medical professionals at the temporary residential facility will check your condition or consult with your hospital to prescribe the medication.
    • - Since you are not permitted to leave your room, the facility officials will take a prescription and deliver it after purchasing it on your behalf.
  • Q20. If I enter Korea on a 30-day tourist visa and get quarantined for 14 days, I don't have enough time to get proper medical treatment at the hospital. Can the hospital help me extend my visa?
    • - Generally, hospitals do not provide visa extension service.
    • - However, each hospital may have different range of services, so please check with your hospital.

Part 2 coming soon Frequently Asked Questions to the Hospitals by International Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic