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G-BA Information Note: The Benefit Assessment of Pharmaceuticals in Accordance with the German Social Code, Book Five (SGB V), Section 35a

G-BA Information Note: The Benefit Assessment of Pharmaceuticals in Accordance with the German Social Code, Book Five (SGB V), Section 35a : 작성자, 작성일, 조회수, 출처,원문, 첨부파일 정보 제공
작성자 관리자
작성일 2018-12-07 조회수 1,420
국가정보 유럽>독일
출처 GBA
원문 www.g-ba.de

This note provides information on benefit assessment of pharmaceuticals in accordance with the German Social Code, Book Five (SGB V), section 35a. It is divided into the following sections:

- The benefit assessment
- The responsibilities of the G-BA following the "Arzneimittelmarkt-Neuordnungsgesetz" (AMNOG)
- The Ordinance on the Benefit Assessment of Pharmaceuticals (AM-NutzenV)
- Supplement to th