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Drug supply reduction and internal security policies in the European Union: an overview

Drug supply reduction and internal security policies in the European Union: an overview : 작성자, 작성일, 조회수, 출처,원문, 정보 제공
작성자 관리자
작성일 2014-08-25 조회수 979
원문 http://www.emcdda.europa.eu/attachements.cfm/att_220676_EN_TDAU13006ENN.pdf

Drug supply reduction and internal security policies in the European Union: an overview

EMCDDA, Lisbon, December 2013


Publication type:







The production and trafficking of illicit drugs poses complex and interlinked problems, which have a negative impact on public health and the security and stability of society. Focusing on actions directed at the EU’s internal security situation, this paper elaborates who is involved in setting policy, what legal and funding basis for action has been established, and what the main priorities are.