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Good Manufacturing Practices complementary to Experimental Drugs(ANVISA- BRAZIL)

Good Manufacturing Practices complementary to Experimental Drugs(ANVISA- BRAZIL) : 작성자, 카테고리, 작성일, 조회수, 원문,출처, 첨부파일 정보 제공
작성자 관리자 카테고리 전문가 인사이트
작성일 2020-01-20 조회수 4,093
원문 한국보건산업진흥원

-원문제목 : Guide for Good Manufacturing Practices complementary to Experimental Drugs, according to ANVISA- BRAZIL

-Abstract : This Normative Instruction is intended to adopt the Good Practice Guidelines for the Manufacturing of Experimental Drugs from the Pharmaceutical Inspection Cooperation Scheme, PIC/S, as complementary requirements to be followed in the manufacture of experimental drugs in addition to the General Good Practice Guidelines for Drug Manufacturing.

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