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Iran Healthcare Market Overview

Iran Healthcare Market Overview : 작성자, 카테고리, 작성일, 조회수, 원문,출처, 정보 제공
작성자 임이슬 카테고리 전문가 인사이트
작성일 2017-06-26 조회수 3,536

Iran Healthcare Market Overview

Kemal Hatip
(케말 하팁)
KHIDI 해외제약전문가
상임 컨설턴트
컨설팅 분야
  • 인허가, 기술마케팅
    - 중동지역(GCC) 의약품 해외수출 전략 및 시장개척
    - 기술사업화 및 제품 공공개발과 제휴관리
    * 의약품(제네릭, 바이오 포함), 바이오시밀러, 진단 및 의료기기
주요 약력
  • 2009-현재 온코파마 중동아시아 디렉터
  • 2002-2009 Al Razi Pharmacy Co. & IBN Khaldoon Drug Store
  • 1997-2002 Novatis Pharma Service
  • 1980-1996 Ciba Geigy Ltd
  • 1979 이집트 AL MANSOURA University, Pharmaceutical Science 터키 약사

Iran Country profile

Iran became an Islamic republic in 1979, when the Monarchy was overthrown by the supreme leader Ayatollah Al Khomeini. With powerful religious & political directions in and outside the country.
Persia, as Iran was known before 1935, was one of the greatest empires of the ancient world, which has maintained a distinct cultural identity within the Islamic world by retaining its language & adhering to the Shia interpretation of Islam.
The area of Iran is 1.65 million sq. Km., with a population of over 85 million, speaking the Persian language.
Iran`s healthcare industry is set for a bright future, the country is ranking 15th among the Middle East & Africa (MEA) countries in terms of long-terms investment policies & growth potential.
Iran GDP is expected to grow at an average of 2.4% over the next 10 years, Iran also ranks well for industry rewords due to the following two reasons, its population big number and market healthcare reforms, which promise a growth in the private sector and investment Opportunities in the pharmaceutical industry, healthcare facilities and medical devise market.
Currently healthcare spending in Iran is 6.7% of the GDP which when compared to markets like India is quite good but it has fallen from 7.3%
seen in 2010 The healthcare market in Iran is expected to grow in short and long terms future plans.

Iran Healthcare market

Iran Healthcare market was worth 26.44 bn. US$ in 2011, growing to double 50 bn. US$ within 10 years. By 2020 Cardio Vascular Disease (CVS) disease account for 45% of deaths in the country while 18% are as a result of road accidents, while count 3ed main cause of death is cancer which count for 14% specially lung cancer, followed by neonatal & respiratory disease by 6%, the need for a better medical systems to address Iranian healthcare issues would therefore favor investments in the country.
Iran`s Pharmaceutical market was worth of 3.51 bn. US$ in 2016, which is expected to grow steadily at 8% till 2020, so expenditure on pharmaceuticals is expected to reach 4.14 bn. US$, which make it an attractive market for business & investment opportunity. The country produce 90% of its medicine, with an ambition plan by ministry of health to reach the goal of self-sufficient by 2020, local production is focused on generic medicines, with over 75 Iranian Pharmaceutical local manufacturing companies producing generics. On the other hand, Iran`s shortage of specialized medicines has open the door for Indian & Chinese products to the country & that was encouraged and promoted by the embargo action by UN and also due to the lack of the funds, also some Korean companies has the chance to export such a products to Iran specially Oncology products, now the country is expected to turn towards high volume of foreign imports of high quality medicines after the UN embargo has been removed.
The country`s medical device is an import-drain and worth of 964 million US$ in 2013. Government healthcare investment towards modernization of services and facilities is in an active process now a days where the market will show a growth by CAGR of 5%
The private sector account for 20% of the total expenditure, while the government is the rest Nearly 88% of the country`s medical Devise are imported from outside where 70.4% is coming from Europe and mainly from Germany, Netherland & UK while the rest are imported from Asian and mainly from China & Japan, Continued growth of the medical devises sector will be there in order to address the shortage of the specialized devises. This market estimated to reach 1.1 bn. US$ by 2017 – 2018.
In the 1990`s following Iran-Iraq war, Iran`s Government realized & saw the need for reforms needs, focusing on increasing the number of personal, hospitals beds, facilities, as well as improving services and infrastructures, in an efforts to attract & increase foreign investments. In 2012 the physician to population ratio had come to 1% doctor per 845 people, a large improvement from 10 years ago (1/3120) – and more than 90% of the population has an access to healthcare services.
The government provides the majority of health insurance, although in 2001 the law was passed to allow the establishments of private sectors to have a private insurance health systems, the military, the national oil company & bank Melli Iran have their own high quality private hospitals, wealthier Iranians enjoy better quality private hospitals. Private hospitals are becoming more & more attractive due to the lack of efficiency in the public healthcare sector, with long waiting lines and poor facilities, all of that confirm that the industry is still very young in the country, and there is a considerable room for growth in this field.
Medical tourism has been flourishing in Iran as it offers quality expertise at a lower costs, in 2012 alone, the country hosted over 200,000 health tourists. Who brought over 1.5 bn. US$ to the country, twice as much as the numbers in 2011. In the first half of 2013, over 135,000 medical tourists have visited Iran, increasing the total number from last year by 135%. Health tourists come mainly from Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, and India & Pakistan, and the majority of visits are for transplant, Ophthalmology, cosmetic & aesthetic surgeries & dentistry purposes. The Iranian government has recognized the opportunities in medical tourism & start investing in the infrastructures to better serve visitors & also started to improve rules & regulations that facilitate the process & make it easier for the patients to come to Iran for treatments.
Iran post-war healthcare industry has been rapidly improving although sanctions have had its negative impact on the market growth. Nevertheless, the country is striving to stand out among its competitors in the region like Turkey & Dubai by aiming to provide high quality services to Iranians as well as medical tourists, couples with low cost medical treatments.
Although history of modern Pharmaceuticals in Iran dates back to about one hundred years ago and started with the production of Vaccines, most of the activities in this sector over the past two decades have been carried out by the government. However, no substantial investments has been made within the R&D field and there for the technological capabilities of the local pharmaceutical industry are mainly limited to the area of formulation, Despite some new activities in producing new compounds, especially in the biological field which could turn to some value added medicines in the future, output of Iran`s Pharmaceutical industry is limited to the formulation of cheap and fairly old medications. The pharmaceutical market in Iran is heavily dependent on the importation of new and hi-tech medicines
Recently, Iran opens up the doors to private investments, especially in industrial pharmacy, Medical Devises and Specialized medicines. With Iran embarking on healthcare modernization plan their will arise considerable number of opportunities in the healthcare sector of Iran in the coming future as statistics have proven that Iran gives major priority to healthcare industry and constant improvements and modernization plans will keep on taking place. Despite all deficits presented, Iran`s Pharmaceutical sector, backed by its fairly advanced national industry, inexpensive labor & energy, advanced petrochemical industry, as well as highly educated & trained expertise, could have an optimistic future. However, the industry needs an essential up-grading in its hardware & software. Iran`s Industry had a substantial progress in the production of biotechnology derived medicines, and hence proper investments in this area will boost the national biopharmaceutical industry.
Prepared by Mr. Kemal Hatip / Executive Consultant
Korea Health Industry Development Institute (KHIDI)
Pharma Support Team
For more information, please call 010 3403 0032
Or e mail to kehatip@khidi.co.kr


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