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ANALYSIS OF VETERINARY VACCINE MARKET IN ECUADOR : 작성자, 카테고리, 작성일, 조회수, 원문,출처, 정보 제공
작성자 관리자 카테고리 전문가 인사이트
작성일 2016-01-12 조회수 2,971


Esteban Ortiz-Prado
  • 2009 University of Calgary / Medical Science(MS)
  • 2005 University of Ecuador / Medicine(MD)
  • 2013-2015 Manager, R&D department, ENFARMA
  • 2012-2013 Senior Adviser, Minister of Higher Education
  • 2011-2012 Clinical Research Coordinator, Tom Banker Cancer Centre
  • 2006-2010 Research Associate, Department of Radiology University of Galgary
세부 전문분야 및 컨설팅 내용
  • R&D Planning : I worked until august 2015 as the manager or director of the R+D of the only government owned pharmaceutical company in Ecuador
  • Clinical Trial : I directed the first vaccine clinical trial lead by the government of Ecuador for the pentavalent vaccine
  • GMP, GCP and Regulatory Affairs : All the regulatory needs in order to register a new product, homologation for Korean products and experience rebuilding the vaccine facility in Ecuador
  • Project management : All the necessary experience for Drug discover, Project management, Research Team building, Scientific writing for grants competition and academic diffusion, Carry out clinical trials (Phase I-IV), Offer higher recommendations , Conferences and academic events organization, Regular capacitation’s, Regulatory affairs

Table of Contents





Animal population in Ecuador

Epidemiology of Animal Productive Species in Ecuador

Vaccines Market in Ecuador

Imports projection National Veterinary Vaccine

Main Trademarks of Veterinary Vaccines in Ecuador

Research for the Production of Vaccines and Symbiotic






Veterinary vaccines have demonstrated to improve health and welfare of domestic animals as well as to produce significant advantage in animal production over those unvaccinated animals. The need for those vaccines vary from region to region, making vaccine targets specific and suitable for every different environment. Although vaccines are being used for decades, very few its known about the current state and dynamics of the vaccine private and public market in Ecuador.
Official information was collected and analyzed from the database of vaccine consumption from the Minister of Agriculture of Ecuadorian the last 10 years. Mathematical projections were performed where data where not available. for the coming years. Additionally, epidemiological analysis of the principal diseases found in birds and bovine are highlighted.
The results demonstrate that more than 23 million dollars were spent in vaccines importations in 2013, which are consistently increasing. According to our estimates, vaccine imports will consistently increase in the up coming years, becoming a potential market that need to be covered locally or internationally. Furthermore, based on the information analyzed we proposed research priorities topics to develop and subsequently to produce veterinary vaccines in Ecuador. These recommendations are aimed to develop native strains that will perform better effectiveness to the specific Ecuadorian conditions and further to guarantee local supply.

Keywords: Agricultural market; animal epidemiology; veterinary pharmaceutical market; Animal vaccines.


For several centuries ago, people had known the practice of inoculating lambs with sheep pox, practice based on the observation that lambs were immune to a second attack of sheep pox(1). Later on, the practice of cross immunity using pox virus became a routine in veterinary medicine(2). This practice was so effective that smallpox was been used to protect humans(2). Despite the fact that very little was known and its effectiveness doubted due to poor consistency and purity, this model was essential when battling smallpox and as an inspiratory for more efficient animals and human vaccines(3). Among the first studies in animals especially erysipelas and rabies in rabbits were used to create new vaccines worldwide(1,4). In veterinary medicine, these early studies helped to develop effective immunization programs against typhoid fever, tuberculosis, rinderpest and foot and mouth disease (FMD)(5,6).
To ensure the effectiveness of vaccines, it is essential that strains of microorganisms used for production correspond to the prevalent strains, and must be epidemiologically suitable for the current situation of the country(7).
Early industrialization leads the more developed countries to create their own biotechnological products, such as those vaccines that started to become available by 1930 with the production of antigens for FMD by the Germans(8). Later on, in the early 50s it was common for veterinary practices, use vaccines for rabies based on brain tissue of dogs, however, nowadays, veterinary vaccines have evolved to more biotechnological products, diversifying its uses.
The international market for veterinary vaccines in 2004 was 3.1 billion dollars, corresponding to 21% of the entire market of veterinary medicines(7). Interestingly, according to the same author, more than 41% of the global market for veterinary vaccines are localized in the American continent.
The pharmaceutical market in veterinary medicine its raising, specially in those countries with emerging economies(9–11). In the specific case of Ecuador, due to lack of information, it is imperative to unravel information about the current state, dynamics, importance and market projections of veterinary vaccines, seeking relevant information that will allow us find potential areas for research venture with local production. In this report, we conducted a preliminary review and analysis of the official available data for both epidemiology and market dynamic on veterinary vaccines in Ecuador.
The aim of this analysis is to provide proper guidance in terms of potential research and development of vaccines for local and regional markets, considering the size and dynamics of the market and its potential within the region.


This descriptive observational study is an analysis of available data related to animal vaccine production and commercialization from scientific, institutional, and economic databases in Ecuador during the period of 2007-2014.
This analysis uses the official information from both the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and the Ecuadorian Agency for Agricultural Quality Assurance (Agrocalidad), which are the official repositories of the country livestock statistics.
To analyze the animal epidemiology, we determined the disease occurrence in several animal species through collection, comparison and systematic analysis of official data, with the aim to understand the measures of prevention control and / or the eradication of health problems as well as to determine potential future research lines.
Commercialization data was obtained from the official records of Agrocalidad, which is the entity in charge of the registry of livestock supplies for the country. Import and export analysis were performed from 2007-2014, however, further estimates were established using the quadratic regression analysis for data from 2015 to 2019.

Figure 1 Animal population in Ecuador for 2013, Source OIE 2015

Table 1 Main animal pathologies reported in 2013 in Ecuador, Source: OIE..


Farming has been a source of major revenue for Ecuador development. One of its main components is the livestock. In 2013 the productive population was 44.53648 million animals the species distribution is shown in greater detail in Fig. 1.
According to official statistics, the bird population predominates over other productive species in the country (78.40%), therefore this is the population that demands greater attention for disease prevention, additionally these species epidemiologically have high levels of disease transmission. Secondly ranked is the cattle population (10.11%) which represents an important sector of the agricultural industry. These two sectors represent the largest share of veterinary vaccines in the Ecuadorian national market


We present the most relevant animal pathologies in Ecuador during 2014. In Ecuador several pathologies affect our animal population including foot and mouth disease, however in the last offitial report this disease has not been presented in the country since 2011(Table 1).
The Department of Animal Health of Agrocalidad in Ecuador protects health status of those species considered economically productive implementing massive monitoring systems in order to ensure animals safety, this, production.

Figure 2 Imports of vaccines to Ecuador in 2014. Value Free On Board
(FOB) per country and per animal population. Source: AGROCALIDAD, 2015.


Our Economy based in late industrialization and primary non renewable source of income forces our vaccines market to depend on importations of considerable big amount of veterinary products, including vaccines, representing more than 22,988,076.50 USD$ just during 2014.
Another interesting finding its that all the vaccines are imported, specially from the United States of America and Europe in general.


According to the quadratic regression analysis (r2 = 0.731; p ˂ 0.05) projection of domestic imports, based on official data from Agrocalidad, the annual growth of imports is approximately 20% per year, which means that in 2019 an estimated USD 56.8 million will be spent on imports of veterinary vaccines, being this a potentially large market to meet future demand (Fig. 3 and Table 3) Among the most representative imports are the poultry veterinary products.

Figure 3 Imports of veterinary vaccines in Ecuador in the period
from 2007 to 2013 and
their projection until 2015 to 2019.


According to official statistics registered in the country the largest market share of imports correspond to marks relating to the control of disease in birds, which, major brands are: Cevac ™ of Hungarian origin with a value FOB $ 7,285,610 in 2014. Following Vectormune ™ with an FOB value of $ 4,480,510 of United States origin. The 20 marks registered with the greater participation in the Ecuadorian market are shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Veterinary vaccines trademarks imported in 2014, officially registered
information statistics.


The Management of Scientific Research and Technological Development of Ecuador, stated as a goal, to establish the priority areas of research and technological development, analyzing lines and sub lines of research, based on official available statistical data. After the respective technical analysis, the research priorities in the area of animal vaccines are:
  • For Newcastle disease
  • To Avian Salmonellosis
  • To Bovine Brucellosis
  • To Bovine Tuberculosis
  • To Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD)
  • To Classical Swine Fever (CSF)
  • Development of symbiotic


The current epidemiological data as well as the economics behind vaccine market in Ecuador holds a unique role in the development of national policies, as well as local and global strategies to improve animal health(10,12). This kind of analysis is important especially for priority setting; decision-making, and for disease control implementation programs (how can the optimum delivery and adoption of selected interventions can best be achieved) and what are the strategies to be implemented in order to fulfill the national requirements of veterinary pharmaceutical products(13).
The imports of veterinary products represented a high economic cost for the country in 2014 corresponding to USD 22,988,076.50. Is important highlight that the forecast of imports of veterinary vaccines will be relatively high for the next five years, estimated at USD 56.8 million by 2019. The largest share of the domestic market including trademarks corresponds to vaccines for the bird sector, followed by: swine, dogs, and cattle.
On the other hand, current imports show that animals are being vaccinated with vaccines originated from foreign strains, which might not ensure the effective prevention of disease outbreaks against other strains that may be present in Ecuador. Despite the limitations of this study based on official data, it is clear that there is no comprehensive study of the biological effectiveness of the vaccines with foreign strains; therefore its efficacy has not yet been confirmed in the country. We recommended performing the respective analysis to determine their effectiveness.
Currently, due to new public policy, both Ecuadorian public strategic institutions as well as the governing policy of research, the country is on track to reversing this unfavorable situation, boosting the development of the productive forces, channeling resources for training human talent and allocating recourses for generation of new knowledge, which are even claimed as national objectives, as referred in the National Plan for Good Living (SENPLADES, 2013).
As a way to ensure enough supply, the local production of optimal vaccines is recommended, to accomplish this goal, the assessment of the cost and effectiveness to promote a plan to build a local laboratory for the production of veterinary vaccines is necessary, either with local or international capital investment. Based on the existing information, it is necessary for the country to develop lines of production of veterinary vaccines. These lines should be supported by feasibility studies prepared by the specific entities to determine if the investment on a local laboratory is economically viable. In this report we suggested several research priorities.
Finally, it is important to encourage local research and development of vaccines in Ecuador, using native strains, to ensure sovereignty in this priority area for the future.


The pharmaceutical market for veterinary products its very interesting in Ecuador. Mostly of the products are imported, specially the for vaccines and biotechnological products where the 100% of them are brought from other countries, specially the US and Europe.
This dynamic and the fact that the government of Ecuador its perusing to fulfill local needs open up the door for local and international investor who can explore the opportunity to produce vaccines locally and increment applied research in order to become competitive within the region.
What is definitely obvious its that local need are growing fast and in four years the needs will represent more than 50 millions of US dollars in importations, which would be ideal to overcome by local production, reducing prices and improving local economies.


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