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Structure of the Korea Research-driven Hospital Project

Two-track R&D Support System after System Change

  • Designation (Track 1) : Providing legislative and institutional support, switching the hospital environment from one oriented toward medical treatment to conditions that establish systematic equilibrium between medical treatment and research, to induce settlement for gearing up the changes in the research system and external environment.
  • Promotion (Track 2) : Providing institutional HT R&D support to the appointed research-driven hospitals to promote materialization of policy effect via an advanced research system in the hospital environment.
    Frame of Korea Research-driven Hospitals Project

  • Frame of Korea Research-driven Hospitals Project
  • Track1 Designation of Research-driven Hospitals

    Container : Facility, equipment, HR, networks, organizations, systems

  • Track2 Promotion of research-driven hospitals

    contents : Supporting the R&D efforts of research-driven hospitals

  • Maximizing synergy by linking the container and contents