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전체 3,411건, 현재 페이지 20/342

뉴스클리핑 : 번호, 제목, 출처, 보도일 목록
번호 제목 출처 보도일
3221 Hong Kong ends hotel quarantine as Asia tiptoes out of pandemic NBC News 2022-09-23
3220 Medical travel? It’s not just about India and Turkey LaingBuisson 2022-09-22
3219 Foreign Direct Investment and Policies in the Health Sector in Asia and the Pacific 2022/2023 UNESCAP 2022-09-22
3218 EU announces historic €715 million for the Global Fund to save millions of lives from AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria European Commission 2022-09-21
3217 Just in time for fall, there’s a brand-new COVID variant making headway in the U.S. Fortune 2022-09-21
3216 The gathering storm: The transformative impact of inflation on the healthcare sector McKinsey&Company 2022-09-19
3215 Medical travel exceeds pre-pandemic levels as a result from rising costs and inflation Benefits Pro 2022-09-19
3214 コロナ禍を経た「メディカルツーリズム」の行方。今後の課題と展望を考察(코로나 사태를 거치면서 일본정부가 그렸던 의료관광 전략은 과연 다시 확대되고 있는지, 중국의 의료제도부터 고찰) Frontier Eyes Online 2022-09-16
3213 Detection of circulating vaccine derived polio virus 2 (cVDPV2) in environmental samples– the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America World Health Organization 2022-09-14
3212 国家医疗保障局关于开展口腔种植医疗服务收费和耗材价格专项治理的通知(국가의료보장국은 구강 임플란트 의료 서비스 요금 및 소모품 가격에 관한 특별 관리 통지를 발표) 医保局网站 2022-09-06
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