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뉴스클리핑 : 번호, 제목, 출처, 보도일 목록
번호 제목 출처 보도일
551 白血病ウイルス感染者に専門医がオンライン問診…全国で推定100万人、相談体制を強化(후생노동성은 난치성 혈액암·성인T세포백혈병(ATL) 등의 원인이 되는 바이러스 ‘HTLV-1’에 대해 감염자를 대상으로 한 새로운 상담지원체제를 개시) 読売新聞 2022-09-08
550 Consumers See Health and Well-being as “Essential” Spend Category, Accenture Survey Finds Accenture 2022-09-07
549 Organisation des soins de proximité : garantir l’accès de tous à des soins de qualité(Organization of local care: guaranteeing access for all to quality care) France Stratégie  2022-09-07
548 European care strategy: Pre-legislative synthesis of national, regional and local positions on the European Commission's initiative European Parliament 2022-09-06
547 Long-term care social protection models in the EU European Commission 2022-09-05
546 Africa: How Medical Tourism Is Affecting Africa's Healthcare Economy allAfrica 2022-09-05
545 Medical Tourism: Another Iraqi Patient Successfully Treated At SUMUM In Bhubaneswar Odisha Bytes 2022-09-04
544 外国人観光客数を回復させるために~感染拡大に備えた上で、水際対策を緩和するべき(일본은 외국인 관광객 수를 회복하기 위해 감염 확산에 대비하기 위해 마련된 국경 대책을 완화할 필요성 제기) ニッセイ基礎研究所  2022-09-02
543 Biden administration asks Congress to include more than $26B for COVID, monkeypox in FY23 budget stopgap Fierce Healthcare 2022-09-02
542 Major French hospitals to open a regional office in the United Arab Emirates ZAWYA 2022-09-01
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