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포럼·세미나 자료

CDA for EHR : Paradigm Shift from Message to Clinical Document

게시글 상세 - 작성일, 조회수 첨부파일
작성일 2004-07-19 조회수 4,058
[Overview of CDA/PRA] - 국제 표준화의 실상 - Flashback History of CDA - Medical Context - XML - CDA and Shared Care - CDA and Knowledge Integration - Key Features of CDA - XML design [Introduction to CDA] - Introduction o What is the CDA? o Goals and Design Principles - CDA Concepts o CDA Document o Document Schemas and Document Type Definitions o Document Architecture o Security, Confidentiality, and Data Integrity o Relationship of the CDA to HL7 Messaging Standards [Implementation of CDA] - CDA: a set of XML document specifications o Scope of the CDA o CDA is a V3 Specification o The CDA Header & Body o CDA Levels, Specialization o Sample CDA Document - CDA Implementation o Level One applications o Level Two applications o Level Three applications o How to create o How to display o How to manage - Considerations for future implementation
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