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Enhanced delivery of rapamycin by V156K-apoA-I high-density lipoprotein

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lthough rapamycin (rapa) is a fungicide, it is now believed to possess the capacity to extend mammalian lifespan. Because rapamycin is insoluble in water, its study in the aqueous phase has been limited. We therefore solubilized rapamycin in isotonic buffer using reconstituted high-density lipoprotein containing V156K-apolipoprotein A-I (V156K-rHDL).


Rapamycin (final concentration, 0.1 mg/mL) was solubilized in rHDL containing either wild-type (WT) or V156K apoA-I (1 mg/mL of protein) prepared using the sodium cholate dialysis method. V156K-rHDL containing rapamycin (V156K-rapa-rHDL) had a slightly larger particle size than rapamycin-loaded WT-rHDL (WT-rapa-rHDL). V156K-rapa-rHDL exhibited enhanced antioxidant ability, CETP inhibitory activity, and anti-atherosclerotic activity. Treatment with V156K-rapa-rHDL resulted in attenuation of senescence in human cells with increased cell survival and enhancement of tissue regenerative activities in zebrafish model compared to WT-rapa-rHDL or rHDL alone.

Contact Point

Contact Point - Company, Name in Charge, Phone, Fax, Email
Company HTTC Name in Charge Kim Dae Hyon
Phone 82 +82-881-2842 Fax
Email technomart@khidi.or.kr
