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[K-Startup] Global Startup Academy in 2021 Recruitment for Global Accelerators

[K-Startup] Global Startup Academy in 2021 Recruitment for Global Accelerators : 작성자, 작성일, 조회수, 정보 제공
작성자 관리자
작성일 2021-01-13 조회수 872
Global Startup Academy in 2021 Recruitment for Global Accelerators

This notice is for accelerators with global support capabilities, who will be dedicated to the “Global Startup Academy in 2021” to foster promising startup teams in AI, as follows.
The MSS is looking for global accelerators who want to reside in Korea and to discover and foster excellent Korea startup teams. We would like to ask for your interest and active participation.

January 12, 2021
Minister of SMEs and Startups (MSS)

Application & Registration
Notice(Application) period : From January 12 (Tue.) to January 27 (Wed.) 5 p.m., 2021
How to apply : Submit an email to (global_ai@kised.or.kr)
Candidates : A company ranks top 50 (as of announced date, January 12) or higher (as of closing date January 27) in terms of a number of invested companies on Crunchbase
* Refer to [Attachment 1] Accelerator Ranking by Crunchbase
* Despite the ranking changes in the future, it is possible to participate if the company ranks 50 or higher as of announced date

* 출처 : K-startup 홈페이지 (바로가기)