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Cosmetics and sanitizers: change in registration validity

  • Writer Priscilla Viana Palhano Lima
  • Date 2019-10-26
  • Views 3,198

Expiry date for the registration of personal hygiene products, cosmetics, perfumes and sanitizers 2 has been extended to 10 years. Rule enters into force in 2020.

Resolutions of the Collegiate Board (RDC) 312 and 313, published in the Official Gazette (DOU) of Wednesday (16/10), change, respectively, the validity of the registration of personal hygiene products, cosmetics and perfumes and products. risk sanitizing agents 2. From January 14, 2020, the registration period of these products will expire from 5 to 10 years.

With the new rule, the registration deadlines already granted will automatically be extended by 10 years, counting from the granting of the registration and considering the registration revalidations already made. That is, all registrations valid on January 14, 2020 will have maturity dates supplemented.

Interest in the continuity of commercialization of the products shall be declared in the electronic petitioning system, through a specific form, within the last six months of the regularization decade. Therefore, it is not necessary to submit a specific revalidation request for registrations due January 14, 2020. The request must be made six months in advance of the new expiration date.

The Anvisa sector that deals with the regularization of personal hygiene products, cosmetics, perfumes and sanitizers clarifies that the registration revalidation requests already received will be analyzed in the new terms of the respective RDCs.

Registration validity X product validity

The validity of the registration is the period in which the company is authorized by Anvisa to produce and market the product. The shelf life of the product is defined by the manufacturing company taking into account the formulation and techniques used in production, is the “time the product retains its properties, when stored in the original packaging and without damage, in adequate storage and storage. use".

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