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Drinking Desalinated Water: Health Requirements

  • Writer Priscilla Viana Palhano Lima
  • Date 2019-10-26
  • Views 3,028

Anvisa has defined the sanitary requirements for the regularization of desalinated, potable and bottled seawater.

The Resolution of the Collegiate Board (RDC) 316/2019, published on Friday (18/10) in the Official Gazette (DOU), establishes the sanitary requirements for the regularization of desalinated, potable and bottled sea water. From now on, four types of bottled water are foreseen in Brazil: natural mineral water, natural water, salt-added water and potable desalinated seawater.

Prior to the publication of the normative act, only freshwater sources were authorized for the production of bottled water. Seawater must be registered with Anvisa, which will evaluate the form of abstraction, the desalination procedure, the compliance with the potability standard for the granting of authorization and the final specification of the product.

Companies will have a two-year period to adapt the products covered by the regulation, currently registered with Anvisa in the new food category, to the new regulation. At the time of registration renewal, it must be proved that the product meets the requirements set forth in the respective DRC.


Potable desalinated seawater must meet the potability standard set by the Ministry of Health, through Ordinance 2.914 / 2011. In addition, it must comply with the limits set out in RDC 316/2019 for boron, manganese, calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, salts and microcystins, and the presence of chemical, biological or foreign substances that pose a risk to consumer health is prohibited.

For the desalination system, the implementation of a Water Safety Plan, which must follow the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), is required. This plan shall identify, assess and define controls for the hazards associated with the seawater desalination system. When water is remineralized, the minerals added must be of the food type. Salts which may be added on remineralization are listed in the Regulation.

According to the Resolution, potable desalinated seawater may be added with carbon dioxide (also known as carbon dioxide) and may not contain sugars and food additives.

For registration purposes, Anvisa must submit all documentation proving compliance with the established criteria, water abstraction authorization and licenses issued by the competent environmental agencies.

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