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Agreement signed between BRICS countries

  • Writer Priscilla Viana Palhano Lima
  • Date 2019-10-25
  • Views 2,931

The objective is to strengthen relations between nations to promote dialogue and the search for common solutions in the area of health regulation.

The Memorandum of Understanding between the BRICS Health Regulatory Authorities, a group formed by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, was signed on Wednesday (10/23) in Brasilia. The agreement, which was being discussed. For several years, it has sought to encourage closer relations between countries to promote common solutions in the area of ​​health regulation. It also aims to lay the foundations for a more structured dialogue and encourage the adoption of good regulatory practices.

The signing took place during the closing of the 5th meeting of the BRICS Health Regulatory Authorities, held at the headquarters of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). The ceremony was attended by the director of Anvisa Antonio Barra, who stressed the importance of this step for the group.

“The meeting was very important because, by bringing together countries that have population affinities, affinities in their productivity, we can together seek solutions to common problems. And this meeting specifically made progress towards finding supportive solutions for each other on very important issues, such as the eventual shortages of health products, of which no one is free or immune, ”said Antonio Barra.

The director also highlighted other points on the joint agenda of countries, such as vaccination cases and the creation of norms. “There are also important issues such as immunization coverage, which needs to be logically broad and always reliable over the years, and greater transparency between regulatory instruments so that we can rely not only on building our own norms but also with a view to market possibilities ”, he added.

Importance of the meeting

The insertion of the agenda of health regulatory agencies in the scope of BRICS is a strategy to leverage strategic axes of cooperation among the largest emerging countries in the world. At the same time, it contributes to the strengthening of national health policies. The common challenges of group members take into account the fact that together countries represent about 42% of the population, 23% of GDP, 30% of the territory and 18% of world trade.


The meeting's schedule, divided into three theme sessions, was mediated by the chief advisor of Anvisa's Office of International Affairs (Ainte), João Paulo Ortega Terra. At each of the sessions, Anvisa presented information on the agendas and then discussed the issues with representatives of the BRICS countries.

The first session dealt with improving the transparency of the markets for medicines, vaccines and other health products. In addition, the first round of topics included perspectives for joint work between countries. The presentation was by Misani Ponchini of the Executive Secretariat of the Medicines Market Regulation Chamber (SCMED).

The second session was attended by Deputy Director Daniela Cerqueira, who spoke about universal coverage of vaccines and regulatory ways to favor trade in immunobiologicals between countries. Before going deeper into the agenda, Daniela provided an overview of the registration of vaccines in the country, the process of incorporation into the Unified Health System (SUS) and pharmacovigilance, among other topics.

The third and final round of presentation guided the local or global shortage of health products and the necessary procedures for health authorization for the use of products in these cases, through the rapid exchange of information or other alternatives. The presentation was made by the head of Anvisa's General Management of Medicines and Biological Products (GGMED), Gustavo Mendes.


The opening table of the meeting, which began at 9am and closed at 5pm, was attended by PAHO's representative in Brazil, Socorro Gross, Anvisa director Alessandra Bastos and Ainte's chief advisor, João Paulo Ortega Terra.

Alessandra Bastos highlighted the need to discuss the transparency of the drug market in countries, the promotion of vaccine coverage and issues related to shortages of essential products. For her, these aspects should be discussed based on international regulatory convergence.

"We seek international convergence in the area of ​​health regulation respecting the particularities of each country, with all its political, economic, social, cultural and geographical characteristics, because without this convergence the health of citizens around the world is compromised," said the Director

Already Socorro Gross highlighted the potential of regulatory convergence in health for the countries of the group. “Convergence can bring more innovation, faster, and better product control,” she said.

See the presentations:

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