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Compulsory Licences in Ecuador, a negative experience

  • Writer Esteban Ortiz Prado
  • Date 2019-07-13
  • Views 3,620

In Ecuador, a recently published report suggested that requesting compulsory licenses (CL) did not have the expected effect. In 2009 the Ex president of Ecuador, Econ. Rafael Correa, signed a decree stating that CL are a legal tool when fighting prices and unequal access to medicines. Since that year, serveral companies requested CL including the ex-goverment funded public pharmaceutical company ENFARMA EP. 

The posterior analysis demostrated that the CL requested and even the granted one did not offer significant changes in prices, furthermore just one single company was able to produce the pharmaceutical product Etoricoxib while the other CL were not even produced.

A complete analysis of this subject was recently published by one of the top international medical journals in the field, the complete source is the following

