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Brazilian Ministry of Health decides to incorporate Tetracycline for the treatment of diseases in its Public Health System.

  • Writer Priscilla Viana Palhano Lima
  • Date 2019-06-22
  • Views 7,948

Following the official publication of the Ministry of Health regarding the incorporation of Tetracycline 500mg for the treatment Hidradenitis suppurativa.

"It makes public the decision to incorporate tetracycline 500mg for the treatment of Hidradenitis suppurativa light, under the Unified Health System - SUS

THE SECRETARY OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, INNOVATION AND STRATEGIC INPUTS IN HEALTH OF THE MINISTRY OF HEALTH, in the use of its legal attributions and based on the terms of art. 20 and art. 23 of Decree 7,646, dated December 21, 2011, resolves:

Art. 1 Incorporates tetracycline 500mg for the treatment of mild suppurative hidradenitis, through Clinical Protocol and Therapeutic Guidelines, under the Unified Health System - SUS.

Art. 2 As determined by art. 25 of Decree 7,646 / 2011, the maximum term to effect the offer to SUS is one hundred and eighty days.

Art. 3 The recommendation report of the National Commission for the Merger of Technologies in SUS (CONITEC) on this technology will be available at the electronic address:

Art. 4 This Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its publication. "

