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Scientific meeting on AI for drug development at Philadelphia, PA on June 13-14, 2019.

  • Writer 이희민 (Heemin Rhee)
  • Date 2019-05-10
  • Views 2,676

There is a Scientific meeting on AI for drug development at Philadelphia, PA on June 13-14, 2019.

Artificial intelligence is recognized as a powerful tool for enhancing research and development of novel therapeutics.
Machine learning and model training can to efficiently analyze large volumes of data for deeper insights to inform
drug and device development. If AI or machine learning can improve the success or speed of the drug development
process at any point, it would have significant implications down the entire chain. This event will dive into examples
of how artificial intelligence is currently being used.

The meeting will take place in three different tracks:

- AI in Drug and Clinical Development Track

- AI in Healthcare Track

- Wearables and Digital Therapeutics Track

It will be a good chance to prepare for the ground work for the cost effective, safe, and quality drug development in Korea.